The fundamental objective of LUXE COAT s.r.l. is customer satisfaction
the continuous improvement of the product offered: the basic expectations of the customers are highly qualification, affordable prices, respect of the delivery time.
The company decided to use a quality management system that ensures the achievement of the objectives in our field of application:
All the points of the rule ISO 9001:2015 are applied.
LUXE COAT want to achieve its objectives by:
1) The respect of all applicable requirements required by the consumer and contractual commitments;
2) Punctual deliveries;
3) Constant commitment in the condition and renewal of plants;
4) The verification and update of processes and perfomance;
5) The prevention of non-compliance external and the reduction of internal defects;
6) The attention to a costant improvement of quality level of the product;
7) The availability to give to customer the registration of the quality of the product;
8) The stimulus and constant control of the internal structures against the management system of quality;
9) The disclosure and involvement of the staff about the management system of quality.
The System of quality is documented in order to represent the intention of the company against the application of the management of Quality and serve as a basis for the evaluation and certification by client and by national/international authorities in charge.
The Quality Policy is included in all levels of the organizational company structure, so it is spread to the whole organization.
Commitment of the Company Management
The Company Management is committed to define and maintain an appropriate structural framework to the company internally and communicate and do understand within the organization the management System of Quality.
The company management undertakes also to review the management System of Quality on annual basis in order to ascertain the continuous appropriateness of it and make the necessary improvements.